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What's at the top of homebuyers wish lists this year? - GD Legal

What’s at the top of homebuyers’ wish lists this year?

What are home buyers really looking for?

It’s the million-dollar question.

A big garden, an ensuite, walk-in wardrobes, a utility room? Trying to identify the features most likely to sell your home can be a bit mind-boggling. After all, it depends on who’s looking.

That said, there are definite regular features and ‘trends’. And it seems that currently, we’re less focused on the nitty-gritty of the inside and more concerned about outdoor space.

Based on the search terms used by home hunters across the country, property website RightMove have complied a list of this year’s most searched for criteria on their site. Let’s see what they reveal…

What people are looking for

Some of the top search terms for this year include:


Off the top of your head, if asked to wager a guess on characteristics that would rank highly, we’re pretty sure you’d hazard a guess at this one. Garages offer off-street parking, a secure place to stow your car and belongings, additional storage space and – for some people – a great spot to create a home office (very 2021) or to master a new hobby.

If you have a garage, make sure you show it off to its full potential. Worth having a clear out and tidying the place up so viewers can get a proper feel for the space available.

If you don’t have a garage but do have other outdoor storage – such as a shed – draw attention to the fact. And again, organise the contents to show the space off fully.



Again, no surprises here. Gardens are always a firm favourite and never more so than in the post lockdown era.

The important thing here isn’t so much the size, as it’s what you do with it that counts. Even if your property only has a small outdoor courtyard, do what you can to showcase it in a favourable light and highlight its potential. A compact table and chair set, and carefully positioned pot plants for colour, can all go a long way.



Ok, so you can’t make space where there is none – but you can be clever with it!

Smart storage and clever furnishings can all create the illusion of space and make your property appear to have more room than it really does.

Interestingly, this search term has actually decreased in volume over the last year, suggesting that people are putting more emphasis on quality rather than quantity. So a lack of ‘acres’ shouldn’t hold you back.


‘Sea view’

If you’re in a landlocked spot, there’s not much you can do about this one. But the fact people are searching for sea views, demonstrates the importance now being placed on outlooks.

With that in mind, assess all the vantage points of your property. What can you see from each window? Does the back bedroom look out over the bins? Could you move them or make them less obvious? Small tweaks and changes could really work in your property’s favour.



City-based? So are many prospective buyers, despite what they might long and initially search for. The reality of a gruelling commute can soon put things back into perspective but to put your property at the top of the viewing list, why not bring a bit of the countryside home?

Create a rural country feel with a ‘country cottage’ garden or bring your city balcony to life with trailing plants and pots of colour or a small herb garden.



Great if you’re short on space or lacking an outdoor area. Even if you have extensive room outside there’s something rather decadent about a balcony – which is no doubt why they feature on homebuyers’ criteria.

Not sure you’ve got room? Consider a Juliette balcony. They take up virtually no additional space but offer much of the appeal of a traditional balcony, allowing you to throw open the door and let the fresh air flow. In most cases, they are classed as ‘permitted developments’ and don’t require planning permission. And they’re a relatively cheap way to make your property more appealing, increase the feeling of space and tick the ‘balcony’ box.


How do things look for 2022?

Lockdown has changed the landscape of property buying. As a nation, we’ve woken up to the importance of the outdoor space around us. And while everyone’s needs are different, we think you’re pretty safe to assume that many of these favourites will hold their appeal long into the new year.


Talk to GD Property Solicitors

Whilst there will always be some variation in terms of favourite property features, one thing that never changes is the need to be able to move quickly.

The best way to achieve this is to already have property solicitors lined up. And that’s where we come in.

At GD Legal, we are highly experienced in all matters of conveyancing, and our friendly team is on hand and ready to help.

Working with us, not only will you be appointed a dedicated property solicitor, you’ll also gain exclusive access to our convenient online systems. Meaning that even when life is determined to get in the way, you can still access our services whenever you need to and keep your property sale moving.

So, if you’re looking for a professional, reliable team, put GD Legal at the top of your wish list. You won’t be disappointed.

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